UD49 September 2020   Top stories:

  • Industry exploitation of COVID
  • When SUN casts a Shadow
  • Multistakeholderism
  •  ‘BMS Call to Action’ gives companies a 10-year licence to harm children
  • Astro-turfing
  • Codex and Ultra processing








Update 48 – April 2017


UD 47 – May 2016.

Monitoring UK 2016

UD 47 – May 2016.

Top stories in Update 47:

Tigers – Whistle blower movie 

RCPCH votes to end formula funding
EU Parliament votes to lower sugar in baby foods

Corporate capture of WHO

50 years of Nestlé



Update 46Update 46 – March 2014

Helping Filipino mothers after the Typhoon  (p18)

EU Diet PlatformAction Plan calls for no sponsorship in schools(p6&7)

Nestlé conflicts in Research

IBFAN in Official Relations with WHO


Milks for Mothers


UPDATE 45, May 2013.

Top Stories:

Nestlé and Pepsi’s Crusade in Mexico (page 6&7)

Strong laws enacted in three countries

Industry threatens Philippines and Kenya

World Breastfeeding Trends plots path to success

Nestlé formula seized for breaking Indian law

Update 42 (November 2009) to Update 45 (May 2013) on the previous version of this website.

UD19 August 1996  Page 3 – adoption of WHA Resolution 49.15, the first WHA Resolution to call for Conflict of Interest safeguards.)

Page 3 UD19.1996

Update 18 (March 1996)  to Update 41 (November 2008) on our archive website.

UD39 2007

UD36 July 1995

UD36 July 1995

UD12 93

UD 14 1994  P6. Consensus on the Code