KEY World Health Assembly DOCUMENTS

Compilation of the Code and Resolutions. Updated 2022



The most important document to understand is the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes that was adopted in 1981.  Since 1981, 20 World Health Assembly  Resolutions and decisions have been adopted that clarify, strengthen and extend the Code.  They have the same status as the Code and should be read and acted on together with it.

The Resolution that adopted the Code, WHA34.22 stressed that: “..the adoption of and adherence to the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes is a minimum requirement and only one of several important actions required in order to protect healthy practices in respect of infant and young child feeding.”

The need for sound information on infant and young child feeding is at the heart of the Code and the eight Resolutions that specifically called for Conflict of Interest safeguards.

Paragraph 44 of the 2003  Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding outlined just two clear roles for industry: to ensure that their products meet Codex Alimentarius standards; to  monitor their marketing practices according to the principles and aim of the Code and to ensure that their conduct at every level conforms to the Code, subsequent relevant Health Assembly resolutions and national measures that have been adopted to give effect to both. Thats it!!

WHO Basic Documents 49th Edition 2020


New WHO Guidance


CLICK HERE for WHO’s  Framework for Engagement with Non State Actors (FENSA). Please note that IBFAN has many concerns about FENSA  For past comments see  2G2H2 31.1. 2018. Baby-Milk-Action-IBFAN-GWP.    IBFAN EB Jan 18

CLICK HERE for the Resolution WHA 69/9 adopted in May 2016 entitled Ending inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children

CLICK HERE for the WHO Guidance on ending the inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children PDF A69/A/CONF./7 Rev.1       A69/7 Add.1 13 May 2016

Implementation Manual for the Guidance on ending the inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children.

CLICK HERE for our summaries and here for the the Baby Feeding Law Group

Infant feeding in Emergency.   IFE Strategy 2020-2024

ICDC compilation of  the Code and Resolutions up to 2018.  2018 Code & Resolutions


Key legislation documents

Policy Brief produced by the WHO Regional Office for Europe that includes a “model law”,  developed specifically for the Region, demonstrating what effective regulations should look like.


International Code Regulations

Nigeria 2019 Code Regulations

Code reports published biennially by WHO, UNICEF and IBFAN

2024. Marketing of breast-milk substitutes: national implementation of the international code, status report 2024. WHO/UNICEF/IBFAN

2022 Marketing of breast-milk substitutes: national implementation of the international code, status report 2022 WHO UNICEF IBFAN

2020 Marketing of breast-milk substitutes: national implementation of the international code, status report 2020: summary World Health Organization; United Nations Children’s Fund (‎UNICEF)‎; International Baby Foods Action Network (‎2020)‎

2018 Marketing of breast-milk substitutes: national implementation of the international code, status report 2018 World Health Organization; International Baby Foods Action Network; United Nations Children’s Fund (‎UNICEF)‎ (‎2018)‎

2016:Marketing of breast-milk substitutes: national implementation of the international code: status report 2016World Health Organization; International Baby Foods Action Network; United Nations Children’s Fund (‎UNICEF)‎ (‎WHO/NMH/NHD/16.1, 2016)‎

Global Breastfeeding Collective – Toolkit on the Code

For   information relating to the UK click HERE and HERE   

First Steps Nutrition Trust and the Baby Feeding Law Group


Key Codex Alimentarius documents

IBFAN has followed the work of Codex for many years and has attended meetings since 1995 when the WTO recognised its standards  as the bench mark in trade disputes.

IBFAN’s Statements, Press Releases and other documents on THIS LINK

Letter from the Codex Chair and Vice Chairs about the Codex Strategic Plan for 2026-2031. CAC letter April 23 Note the final question: Much has changed in 60 years since Codex was established, so we wonder, is it time we rethink Codex?


Key Codex documents relating to IYC feeding:


CODE OF ETHICS FOR INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN FOOD INCLUDING CONCESSIONAL AND FOOD AID TRANSACTIONS CAC/RCP 20-1979.  take special note of the last para: 4.4 National authorities should be aware of their obligations under the International Health Regulations (2005) with regard to food safety events, including notification, reporting or verification of events to the World Health Organisation (WHO). They should also make sure that the international code of marketing of breast milk substitutes and relevant resolutions of the World Health Assembly (WHA) setting forth principles for the protection and promotion of breast- feeding be observed.

Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling See Annex 2 for  Front of Pack Nutrition Labelling adopted at the Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL) in 2021.   FOPNLFINAL Guidelines


CCNFDSU and CCFL  reports 

Nov 2023 (CAC46)  Rome.Italy FINAL REPORT   List of participants

May 2023 Ottawa, Canada  CCFL47

March 2023 Dusseldorf, Germany  CCNFSDU43

Nov 2021_CCNFSDU 42

Nov 2019 NFSDU 41 Appendix IV

Nov 2019_CCNFSDU 41

Nov 2018.1.Berlin. CCNFSDU 40

201717.Berlin CCNFSDU 39

2016 Hamburg CCNFSDU 38

2014.Bali, Indonesia CCNFSDU 36

REP13.BadSoden. CCNFSDU 35

REP12.BadSoden CCNFSDU 34

2011 Bad Soden Frankfurt CCNFSDU 33

Codex Commission Reports

2022 Rome CAC45

2019. Geneva  CAC 42 

2013Rome CAC 26

Key section from the CAC45 report on the Final adoption of the RUTF Guidelines.(RUTF GL)

53, In the discussion on the adoption of the Guidelines for Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods (RUTF) at Step 8:

    •   Many Members intervened in support of final adoption and commended the leadership of the working group in completing the Guidelines.
    •   One Member and an Observer noted the level of carbohydrates, specifically sugar, exceeded WHO recommendations. This issue was discussed extensively at CCNFSDU including current constrains on product formulation and it was also highlighted that RUTF were meant for short term use.
    •   Observer organizations expressed the view that the level of magnesium was too low; stressed the need to guard against inappropriate promotion of the products; underlined the need to ensure the availability of potable water; expressed the view that the preamble should further address the need for appropriately designed programmes to support continued breastfeeding and re-lactation; and that the use of RUTF should not preclude the use of culturally appropriate home-based foods.Conclusion
  1. CAC45 adopted the Guidelines for Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods (RUTF) at Step 8 with the editorial amendments as proposed by WHO on the definition for Severe Acute Malnutrition and by EU in CX/CAC 22/45/4 Add. 1.

Codex principle on Science

Key Convention on the Rights of the Child documents

Convention on the Rights of the Child 

From the Archives:

Here is a letter from Save the Children, dated 27th February 1995, answering a query about evidence of Nestlé’s marketing.


Free Downloads of ICDC materials

For more than 30 years the IBFAN/International Code Documentation Centre in Penang has monitored and reported on violations of the International Code and Resolutions and assisted countries in drafting or strengthening national legislation. Following the closure of the ICDC Penang office, IBFAN’s regional offices are taking up this work.   Many ICDC materials are available as free downloads  – see below –  some hard copies are from the VIRTUAL SHOP

Code&Resolutions pdf (Updated 2022)

Code Essentials 1 (CE1) 2nd Edition

Code Essentials 2 (CE2) Includes the Model Law 2nd Edition

Code Essentials 3  (CE3) 2nd Edition

Code Monitoring Kit (Update 2019)

State of the Code Chart 2018

Milks for mothers ICDC Focus

Code in Cartoons 2014

2019 Health Worker Guide 12th Ed


Breaking the Rules Stretching the Rules 2017

Executive Summary

2019 IBFAN Code Monitoring Kit  

Company Profiles

Nestlé BTR 2017

Danone BTR 2017

Abbott BTR 2017

Mead Johnson 2017

MedelaBTR 2017

MAM BTR 2017


FonteraMilks for mothers ICDC Focus

National Laws to implement the Code and Resolutions.




Dominican Republic: 1998 National Code 2014 – Decret 14-089 Promulgation Code des substituts du lait mat Dominican Republic 1996 _EN Dominican Republic 1995_EN Dominican Ley 8-95 & Decreto 31-96 Reglamento SP 2009 Rules & Decisions

Saudi Arabia 2004 Resolution 260 2009 Rules & Decisions 2004 Resolution 260 Signed IRR 2006

The Philippines: PHL 2011 The Implementing Rules and Regulation of Republic Act No. 10028 RA7600 Philippines-No.2006-0012 extract Philippines-No.2006-0012 2012#27 IAC Guidelines on Powers and functions 2009#25 DOH on Newborn Care 2009#228 DOH DC Monitoring Milk Code 2009 #10028 Amendment to Rooming In 2008 # 006 DOH DC Amendment on Labeling 2007#027 DOH DC on labelling 2006#12 AO on RIRR 2005#14 DoH National policy on IYCF2009 Rules & Decisions 2004 Resolution 260 Signed IRR 2006 PHL 2011 The Implementing Rules and Regulation of Republic Act No. 10028 RA7600 Philippines-No.2006-0012 extract Philippines-No.2006-0012 2012#27 IAC Guidelines on Powers and functions 2009#25 DOH on Newborn Care 2009#228 DOH DC Monitoring Milk Code 2009 #10028 Amendment to Rooming In 2008 # 006 DOH DC Amendment on Labeling 2007#027 DOH DC on labelling 2006#12 AO on RIRR 2005#14 DoH National policy on IYCF 2004 #15 BFAD Guidelines on Advertising 1986 # EO51 Milk Code 2006 RIRR No 12 1986 EO51 Milk Code

OMAN: 1998 Ministerial Decree 55 Omanعمان 1998 Arrete00215 FR

NIGER 1998 Arrete 00215 EN (revised) 1994 – BMS Regulation 1992 – Act

KIRIBATI: Kiribati 2010 Modification of Art 2 1996 Regulation 1996 Law

GUYANA:  Guyana 2004 Decret no.000033 FR 2004 Decree no.000033 EN

COSTA RUCA: 2009 RTCR 426 Preparados para lactantes – SP 2009 Reglamento Technico 36047 -S 2009 RTCR 426 on IF labelling – ENG 1995 Decreto 24576-SP EN 1995 Decreto 24576- S 1994 Reglamento Ley No 7430 SP EN 1994 ley-7430 fomento-de-la-lactancia-materna SP decreto-1396-de1992 SP 1993 Decree 1397 + 1396 EN decreto 1397 de 1992 EN

BOLIVIA:  2014 REGLAMENTO_DE_SANCIONES_ESPECu00CDFICAS 201502 LEY 3460 DE FOMENTO A LACTANCIA MATERNA. BOLIVIA 2009 Decreto Supremo No.0115 Reglamento – sent by MStahlhofer 22.3 2006 Bolivia Law 3460 EN 2009 Bolivia Regulation EN

LAO 2019-Code-of-marketing-PM-signed-version_EN 2007 Agmt on IYC Food Products control

Sao Tome Sao Tome Codigo Comercializacao Subst Leite Materno_STP_aprovado 2018 1993 Decret No. 93-279 Draft_ CT_décret SLM décret_10022021_VF

Côte d’Ivoire

2013 Décret no. 2013-416 du 6 juin 2013 portant réglementation de la commercialisation des substituts du lait maternel

2021 Arrêté interministériel No. 687 portant création, composition, attribution et fonctionnement, de la Commission d’Autorisation de Commercialisation des Substituts de Lait Maternel

2021 Arrêté interministériel No. 688 du 02 Aout 2021 portant reglementation de la promotion ou de la publicite des substituts du lait maternel

2021 Arrêté interministériel No. 689 Fixant les conditions d’autorisation de commercialisation des substituts du lait maternel

2021 Arrêté No. 001 du 11 août 2021 portant creation du comité national pour la promotion, la protection, le soutien à l’allaitement et au développement de la petite enfance (CNAPE)