Nestle-sponsored paediatric society shocks breastfeeding mothers with Brazilian first 1000 days campaign according to report in the Daily Mail

(Update: press release 22 September 2015: Nestle-sponsored paediatric society distances itself from corporation as it launches shocking first 1000 days campaign – our original blog article from 16 September responding to the Daily Mail report is archived below). Update 25 February 2016: Research…

Has Nestle Gone Too Far?

For comments on this article by Yasmine Motarjemi see her Facebook Page and here – another article. Has Nestle Gone Too Far? Forbes Business   AUG 21, 2015   Clark Wolf , Protests against Nestle, the food giant, over…

WHO, ILO, UNICEF and WABA materials for World Breastfeeding Week

    ILO’s statement in support of WBW containing the WHO materials and posters:–en/index.htm   WABA’s social media toolkit:   UNICEF photo essay on breastfeeding and work:   The first in a series of blogs on UNICEF Connect:   Paper…