Patti Rundall will be speaking on IBFAN’s work at Codex in the Eurocare conference:

Challenging Big Industry Narratives Alcohol, Tobacco, Unhealthy Food and Drinks Population Measures and Policies, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 27 – 28 June 2024.

Find out more about the World Public Health Nutrition Congress starting THIS week. AGENDA



Launch of the Report “The Junk Push” and National Consultation for an Effective Policy Response on 22 Sept 2023.

USAID  Programming Small-Quantity Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements (SQ-LNS): Lessons Learned and Tool to Strengthen Implementation.

Programming Small-Quantity Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements (SQ-LNS):Lessons Learned and Tool to Strengthen Implementation
Date & Time Jul 26, 2023 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Webinar ID 930 8998 4448
Passcode 172923
Description Strong evidence shows that preventive small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements (SQ-LNS) improve survival, growth, and development of children 6-24 months of age. There is a small but growing evidence that SQ-LNS given to women during pregnancy improves birth outcomes. However, despite evidence for effectiveness, very little is known about the implementation experiences in programming this product. To help fill this gap, USAID Advancing Nutrition undertook two activities with USAID’s International Food Relief Partnership funded SQ-LNS programs.

Join us to hear more about a virtual program mapping and gap analysis, and a learning activity conducted in partnership with SQ-LNS programs in Honduras, Niger and Somalia. Speakers will present findings, lessons learned, and share materials the project developed to support SQ-LNS programming including a brief on program guidance and communication, and generic job aids for program staff. This webinar will be available in Spanish, French, and English.


WHO Guideline on the prevention and management of wasting and nutritional oedema (acute malnutrition): Management section

The webinar recordings in English, French and Spanish can now be found on the GNC Technical Alliance website at this link:

Webinar logo

Global Congress on Implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes

20 – 22 June 2023

World Health Organization Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

Recognizing the central role that breastfeeding plays in the health of mothers and babies, and understanding the impact that aggressive and inappropriate marketing of breast-milk substitutes, bottles, and teats has on breastfeeding mothers, the World Health Assembly (WHA) in 1981 adopted the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes. Forty years later, companies continue to disregard the established provisions of the Code, placing commercial interests before infant and population health. Subsequent WHA resolutions have repeatedly called upon national governments to enact, monitor and enforce the provisions of the Code.

While a majority of countries have enacted at least some provisions of the Code in national laws and regulations, gaps and loopholes often remain in the legislation, allowing violations of the Code to persist. Most countries do not have active systems to monitor marketing practices and identify illegal activity. Enforcement provisions are typically weak.

WHO, UNICEF and civil society partner organizations have developed a variety of tools to advocate for Code implementation, better understand the Code, document the extent of BMS marketing, evaluate current laws, develop monitoring systems, and strengthen enforcement mechanisms.


Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Russian for all plenary sessions. Breakout sessions will be conducted separately in each of these languages but without interpretation.


There is no fee for participation in the Congress. WHO will cover the expenses of the logistics, venue, simultaneous interpretation, and refreshments during breaks. Delegates are expected to identify funding for travel + per diems.

The objectives of this Congress:

  • To increase knowledge and skills of national actors on strategies to end the unethical marketing of breast-milk substitutes, bottles, and teats
  • To develop national roadmaps/work plans to strengthen legislation, monitoring and enforcement of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes
  • To build regional networks to share information and support of national action on the Code

Who should attend

  1. Country delegations
    • Representatives of the Ministry of Health, Departments of Nutrition, Maternal and Child Health, Food and Drug Control, and Legal Affairs
    • Representatives from Ministries of Commerce, Communications, Trade
    • Parliamentarians
    • UN Agencies that support the government on Code issues
    • Non-governmental organizations supporting Code issues
  2. Civil society organizations working on breastfeeding, consumer protection, human rights
  3. Academics researching marketing of breast-milk substitutes

Those interested in attending, can share their interest here.

Intergovernmental Negotiating Body 3–6 April 2023
Provisional agenda
Draft programme of work
Progress report of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (INB) to the Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly

Live webcast of the meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating BodyWHO HMP

INB, which is held from 3 – 6 April 2023, will be concluding its work tomorrow.

In line with the modalities agreed at INB4, the INB focused on the consideration of the WHO zero draft CA+, through the Drafting Group, which was held in a closed session reserved to Member States.

The closing session 6 April 2023 will be publicly webcast on this link: WHO | Intergovernmental Negotiating Body. It will focus on the report of the meeting.



This Webinar“WHO guidelines for the ethical distribution of formula milk in emergencies” is free of charge. To register CLICK HERE

March 30th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (17:30-19:00 CET). This event is a part of webinar series: “Support for mothers in proper nutrition of children in crisis” that is organised by the Human Milk Bank Fundation on behalf of the United Nations Children’s Fund for UNICEF with cooperation of FHI 360 and Medical University of Warsaw.


It will be held in English and Polish (Polish part will be translated into English). Patti will talk about the WHO Code, and I will present international guidelines for the distribution of formula milk (OG-IFE), which should be known and followed by all humanitarian actors.



What does the new Lancet series on breastfeeding tell us about power, political and economic structures and their impact on infant feeding, health and human rights? ➡️ Hear from study authors and a panel of experts as they unpack the series, particularly in light of the unique political environment in the US. 🌟Register now! Live-streaming, with limited in-person tickets.

📅Date:  Tuesday, 18 April 2023  ⏰Time:   📌Location:

UNICEF Headquarters 3 United Nations Plaza. New York, New York  #ProtectBreastfeeding #EndExploitativeMarketing #Breastfeeding. Download the social media graphic here. Sample Tweet:   What does the new Lancet series on #breastfeeding tell us? Hear from authors & panel of experts as they unpack the series. 🌟Register now! Live-streaming & limited in-person tickets.  #ProtectBreastfeeding #EndExploitativeMarketing

Launch of the 2023 Lancet Series on Breastfeeding, including the influence of commercial milk formula marketing

8 February 2023 12:30 – 14:00 GMT
Join Richard Horton, Editor in Chief of the Lancet and a panel of experts for a live event at the Royal Society of Medicine, as they unpack a new three-paper Lancet Series which explores how the value of breastfeeding is wasted by government and public health, and exploited by the formula milk industry.
  • How baby behaviours are misconstrued to undermine breastfeeding, but multi-sectoral interventions protect its health impacts
  • How the formula marketing ‘playbook’ targets parents, health professionals and politicians and undermines the health and rights of children and mothers
  • How power imbalances and political and economic structures determine feeding practices, women’s rights and health outcomes

Authors call for breastfeeding to be a collective responsibility, that is effectively protected, promoted and supported at all levels.

Join Richard Horton, Editor in Chief of the Lancet and a panel of experts for a live event at the Royal Society of Medicine, as they unpack a new three-paper Lancet Series which explores how the value of breastfeeding is wasted by government and public health, and exploited by the formula milk industry.

  • How baby behaviours are misconstrued to undermine breastfeeding, but multi-sectoral interventions protect its health impacts
  • How the formula marketing ‘playbook’ targets parents, health professionals and politicians and undermines the health and rights of children and mothers
  • How power imbalances and political and economic structures determine feeding practices, women’s rights and health outcomes

Authors call for breastfeeding to be a collective responsibility, that is effectively protected, promoted and supported at all levels.

Start time: 12:30 UK

End time: 14:00 UK

How to join 

You can join the event, which is co-hosted by the World Health Organization, The Lancet, and Children in All Policies, live.

You will also be able to follow our livestream on this page.

Save to my calendar function


Moderator: Kathriona Deveraux, award winning reporter, presenter, and broadcaster


  • Ms Kathriona Deveraux, Moderator

The Lancet

  • Mr Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

Series highlights and overview

  • Dr Nigel Rollins, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing, WHO
  • Professor David McCoy, International Institute for Global Health, United Nations University

Panel discussion with Q&A

  • Prof Helen L. Ball, Durham University
  • Dr Guddi Singh, NHS Foundation Trust
  • Mrs Alison Thewliss, Member of Parliament for Glasgow Central
  • Ms Katie Gilbert, Managing Director M&C Saatchi World Service

Closing remarks

  • Prof Anthony Costello, Institute for Child Health
  • Mr Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet 
  • _____________________

PUM podcasts:

Dear all,

As People’s Health Movement (PHM), we are very happy to launch a new podcast series dedicated to our latest flagship publication “Global Health Watch 6: In the shadow of the pandemic” (GHW6). As a way to spread the analysis and the experiences of struggle reported in the book, the podcasts will be available for free and in all four PHM languages (English, Spanish, French, Arabic) and will cover the following themes:

  1. From pre-pandemic pathologies to post-pandemic hopefulness (featuring: Ronald Labonté)
  2. Development model, extractivism, and environment: knitting resistances globally (featuring: Amulya Nidhi)
  3. Gendered inequities during COVID-19 times: a view from the Global South (featuring: Sarojini N)
  4. Conflict and health in the era of coronavirus (featuring: Catia Confortini and Roman Gnagi)
  5. Transforming food systems for healthy people and a healthy planet (featuring: Charlotte Dreger, Magdalena Ackermann and Isabel Álvarez Vispo)
  6. Shifting playing fields: how new trade treaties govern governments (featuring: Lauren Paremoer and Ronald Labonté)
  7. The Universal Health Coverage/Primary Health Care divide (featuring: Remco Van de Pas and Sulakshana Nandi)
The podcasts have been realized with the financial support of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and will be released every Monday, starting from January 9th, 2023
Watch the promotional video and spread the word.
Follow the GHW6 space on the PHM website for updates and further announcements.

Human Rights Film festival Berlin:

I will be going Utta Reich-Schottky on a panel following the showing of Tigers in English we have this one as well on the site of the :

Interested people can book a free ticket using the code “TIGERS2022” as a discount code in the booking process on  J

Here is the FB-Event:


The second WHO Conflict of Interest webinar is this afternoon 29th September.  REGISTER HERE

WHO/BMJ webinar series: The Problem with the Formula Milk Industry. Webinar 1: ‘Unhealthy Influence on Health Professionals?’

On Thursday 8 September, the first of two webinars hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO), British Medical Journal (BMJ), Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH) and Children in All Policies 2030 (CAP2030) was held, entitled ‘The Problem with the Formula Milk Industry: An Unhealthy Influence on Health Professionals?’ The webinar (1 hour 11 minutes) is available to watch on the on the BMJ YouTube channel:

The webinar was hosted by Dr Chris van Tulleken and included reflections from various researchers, health professionals, clinicians and experts in marketing and journalism. One issue highlighted was that currently, in the UK, patients have no way of finding out if the health professionals treating them receive any payment, sponsorship or funding from a pharmaceutical company or the formula milk industry. This is problematic because funding-related conflict of interest has the potential to influence the treatment and products that these professionals are recommending. A solution proposed by Rebecca Coombes, Head of Journalism at the BMJ, was to establish a register for health professionals in the UK, requiring them to declare any industry funding, sponsorship or financial incentives received.

This webinar provided an important opportunity to reflect on how conflicts of interest arising from the engagement of health care professionals with the formula milk industry can unduly influence infant feeding practices. See below for the second webinar in the series (taking place TODAY).

September 2022. Webinar on Sharing Findings of a New Study Published from India and Updates on the Front of Pack Labelling Policy. Here is the recording and other information of the webinar :
We are also building a network of Public Health & Nutrition Advocacy Network. If you are willing to be a part of this group you can fill this form


Celebrate World Food Safety Day!

“Safer food, better health”

Virtual panel discussion.  Tuesday 7 June at 14:00-15:00 CEST

The event will include:

  • Welcome messages from the WHO Director-General and FAO Director-General
  • A Q&A with WHO’s Assistant Director-General, Naoko Yamamoto, and Director of the FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in Geneva, Dominique Burgeon
  • A panel discussion on food safety in different settings moderated by Francesco Branca, Director of WHO’s Department of Nutrition for Health and Development with contributors from Chile, Ghana, India and Singapore
  • Closing remarks from Tom Heilandt, Codex Secretary

WHA – 22-28th May 2022


Baby Kicking featured in new exhibition in Manchester

Following a mandate at the 2020 World Health Assembly, WHO has completed a review of evidence demonstrating the scope and impact of digital marketing strategies for the promotion of breast-milk substitutes.This webcast will be an opportunity to hear from technical experts about this review of evidence about digital marketing behaviours used by the formula milk industry.

‘Mothers’ Milk Tool’ webinar launch by the Australian National University and Alive & Thrive Southeast Asia.

Thursday 5 May 2022, 6-8 pm Sydney time (AEST).  Please register here

Breastfeeding and mothers’ milk is presently not counted in food systems or the economy, but should be. The Mothers’ Milk Tool will help. Money is the language of policymakers. Counting human milk production in food and economic statistics will assist in better policy decision-making and investments in women’s unpaid care work. The Mothers’ Milk Tool quantifies the volume of breastmilk and value of breastfeeding at national and global levels, as well as how much is lost if country environments and policies, or healthcare, work and community settings do not enable women’s and children’s rights to breastfeeding. The tool will be launched when most countries celebrate Mothers’ Day to acknowledge the role, health and economic contribution of mothers to society through women’s unpaid care work, including breastfeeding.

Codex webinar on Science. 8th April 2022

Food Safety Community of Practice, Role of science in the Codex Alimentarius Commission. WHO experts presented  examples how Codex Alimentarius Commission standards are developed.  WHO jointly with FAO develops science-based food safety risk assessments to define safe exposure levels to various chemicals and microorganisms in our food as well as nutrition related standards. Scientific advice from the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR), Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meetings on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA) and Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Nutrition (JEMNU) is the basis for the development of international food safety and quality standards by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, as well as national food safety standard setting in many Member States.

Moderator:  Luz Maria De-Regil, Unit Head, Multisectoral Action in Food Systems (AFS)Presenters:

Moez Sanaa, Unit Head, the Standards and Scientific Advice on Food and Nutrition (SSA)
Michael-oliver Hinsch, Standards and Scientific Advice on Food and Nutrition (SSA)
Luc Ingenbleek, Monitoring Nutritional Status & Food Safety Events (MNF)


WHO’s Food Safety Community of Practice (COP) is a peer-to-peer online forum for global professionals working on and sharing interest in food safety issues, who seek to deepen their knowledge and expertise in this area, exchange information and discuss ideas by interacting on an ongoing basisYou can register to become a member of the Food Safety COP by clicking on the following link.

Strategies for Infant and Young Child Feeding in Climate-Related Emergencies   Register for Live event – Monday 21st March 2022

Marketing the $55 billion formula milk industry

Wednesday 23 February 2022

REGISTER HERE for the launch of WHO’s research on unethical and aggressive formula industry marketing

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and partners will launch a new report, How the marketing of formula milk influences our decisions on infant feeding.


This report – the largest of its kind to date – draws on the experiences of over 8,500 women and 300 health professionals across eight countries. It exposes the aggressive marketing practices used by the formula milk industry, and highlights impacts on families’ decisions about how to feed their babies and young children.


January 24-29 WHO 150th Executive Board Meeting. IBFAN reports and statements


December 2021

Chat comments and questions from the session “Financing WHO well: Low-hanging fruit or mission impossible?” organised by the Global Health Centre.  Björn Kümmel.








3rd December  BPNI celebration of 30 years

November 2021

For Codex meetings see Policy Blog and Consultation Page

Nordan conference on Alcohol Policies

20 November 2021

IBFAN Africa regional Meeting -16-17 November.

IBFAN Africa 16.11.21

October 2021

14th October GAPA conference   Patti 14.10.21 GAPA

IBFAN Regional Webinar South East Asia

21st October

June 2021   Global Breastfeeding Collective. Presentation on IBFAN’s concerns about the Nutrition for Growth Initiative.   N4G GBC

September 2021

Breastfeeding: Where Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems Begin Thursday 9 September 2021. Registration for this event is open via the ANU Gender Institute website.

The event: 

Today’s food systems are contributing to several intersecting health and ecological crises of global concern. Recognising this, many are now calling for transformative, and some even say radical, food systems change. The United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) seeks to ‘transform the way the world produces, consumes and thinks about food’. However, many scientists and civil society networks are questioning what this will mean in reality, and where the mother-child breastfeeding dyad, breastmilk, and human rights will fit within the food systems transformation agenda.

This Dialogue will show how and why breastfeeding – as the desirable norm for feeding human infants and children – is where healthy and sustainable food systems really begin and the challenges that must be addressed for this to be the universal social norm.

Amongst a host of current challenges; acknowledging the fact that women’s role in achieving optimal breastfeeding is essential yet billions of women are unable and available to breastfeed due to the lack of social protection like maternity entitlements and childcare services in workplaces, these will be a cross-cutting focus on the social support needed by women.

The objectives are to:

  1. Bring together advocates, specialists and policy-makers for food systems, food security and nutrition, human rights, and environment, as well as members of women’s and community support groups, to share transformative ideas and positions on breastfeeding as foundational to sustainable food systems thinking and action, with the right to breastfeed as a guiding principle and in doing so, identifies the most powerful levers for generating systems-wide change.
  2. Increase awareness and understanding of the pivotal role of breastfeeding as the most sustainable, localised and normative food system for delivering food security and nutrition to infants and young children, and one that is potentially universally available and accessible optimises nutrition and health outcomes, supports resilience during crisis through local and diverse supply chains and gives agency to mothers and children.
  3. Build alliances and discuss the importance of aligning actions to protect, promote and support breastfeeding across the five Action Tracks of the UNFSS, considering a) the strengths, opportunities, risks and challenges of framing breastfeeding in terms of food systems, and b) identifying strategies to ensure breastfeeding, breastmilk and human rights, are integral to future food systems thinking, research and action.

The first challenge is to acknowledge the importance of acknowledging breastfeeding as a first food system, and the urgent need to invest societal resources in enabling women to practice it. A second key challenge is to address the pervasive influence of corporations in undermining breastfeeding at multiple levels in families, in communities, in health systems and in societies. A further key challenge is to address the gender inequities and discrimination against women workers that arise from lack of adequate maternity protection and social services to underpin women’s invisible and unrequited care work, including breastfeeding.

International experts in human rights and breastfeeding, corporate political activity, food systems and food marketing and the political the economy of breastfeeding will provide informed commentary on the need to protect and support women and their children and their right to breastfeeding and to ensure that the work of breastfeeding is acknowledged and resourced as the foundational food system.


World Breastfeeding Week 1-7 August,2021


Belfast –Breastival is a unique, award-winning festival which aims to support, normalise and celebrate breastfeeding as part of everyday life in Northern Ireland and across Ireland.






Hospitals and  health workers will be engaged in raising awareness on the WBW theme.


Materials available in Portuguese. Opening ceremony July 30th in  Sao Paulo, together with local MoH , and also in Brasilia on the 1th, with Webinars. IBFAN will launch the video on 40 years of the Code ith WBW celebrations in many different states of the country Portug and this is disseminated.

February 2021

Who has the power in a Multi-stakeholder World?

2021 Australia MSH world

15th February 2021   Patti Rundall, Baby Milk Action, IBFAN Global Advocacy

Protecting women’s and children’s health and human rights in the ‘first food’ system: commercial influence and conflicts of interest on infant and young child feeding in Australia Australia National University, Crawford School of Public Policy


Link of the International webinar video in NNS Facebook page:

Below are webinars organised by IBFAN in India, the Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India


Webinar – A Learning and Sharing “Café”: IYCF Programming Adaptations in the Context of COVID-19. questions or comments to:

slides and recording can be found here:

Another webinar from Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI) – 7th August

BPNI is a national organisation working for the last 29 years to protect, promote and support breastfeeding in India. BPNI is notified in the official gazette to monitor and report on the compliance with the Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles, and Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act 1992, and Amendment Act 2003.  On the occasion of World Breastfeeding Week (1-7 August) 2020, BPNI is launching a mobile application named “Stanpan Suraksha” on zoom with an aim to enhance access to skilled lactation counselling support and protecting mothers from commercial baby food marketing, the digital way on 7th August, 2020, Timing 12:00-1:30 pm. (As per programme below).

The development of this mobile application is supported by HCL Foundation. You are cordially invited to join the launch of the Stanpan Surakhsha mobile application. As this mobile application targets lactating mothers, BPNI requests you to spread the word among lactating mothers around you and get them to join us for the launch. This application could  be a useful one for them!   To register and now more about the application please click HERE

Previous webinars:



Conflict of Interest Webinars

Recordings and Slides of previous GECI-PH webinars

–    Webinar #1- Commercial Determinants of Health: Definitions and Risks: Recording and Slides

–    Webinar #2- Commercial Determinants of Health: Characterizing harmful industries and their products: Recording and Slides

–    Webinar #3- Commercial Determinants of Health: conflicts of interest and corporate practices that are harmful to  health: Recording and Slides

–    Webinar #4- Solutions to address the commercial determinants of health:   Recording and Slides

–    Webinar #5- Corporations and Global Health Governance: Recording and Slides

–    Webinar #6- Commercial Determinants of Health: Special webinar on theCOVID19Recording and Slides

–    Webinar #7- Corporate determinants of health: corporations, trade and health: Recording and Slides

–    Webinar #8 – Solutions to address the Commercial Determinants of Health (2): Community-level actions: Recording and Slides



Click on the dates for further information or check back if there is no link.

Contact us if there is an event you would like to be added to this list – please try and involve Baby Milk Action in your event if you can.


Dear Patti,
We’re sorry you were unable to join our virtual panel discussion, “Essential work: Responding to covid-19 in fragile states“. However, the event is now available OnDemand so you can view it wherever and whenever it works for you!
We hope you enjoy!
The Economist Events

Due to the COVID-19 crisis meetings are all VIRTUAL.   There are many.  I will be joining the Panel on this one on 19th June

WHO DG webinar with Civil Society: Civil society engagement in COVID-19 response at national and local levels
Type: Unlisted Event
Event address for attendees:
Date and time: Wednesday, 8. July 2020 13:30
Europe Summer Time (Paris, GMT+02:00)
Duration: 1 hour

Webinar on COVID- 19 and Breastfeeding- June 19.2020


Date: 19 June 2020, 12.00 pm – 01:30 PM (IST)

To Participate Please  register HERE

We are amidst a global pandemic of COVID-19, and this has thrown our life into a disarray. The healthcare and medical facilities are primarily focusing on COVID infected patients and their care. Medical services like antenatal and postnatal care and counselling are amongst those important services which are taken aback. For protecting the interests of pregnant women and lactating mothers, UNICEF/ WHO and other agencies have come out with guidelines. New research is also. being published on the subject.

This webinar will provide up-to-date information about the importance of breastfeeding by the Covid-19 suspected or positive mothers. It will share the global guidance on the subject and recommendations by the Government of India and UN agencies. Evidence based practical support to mothers to practice breastfeeding will also be discussed. It will be helpful to all those who are working to support of pregnant women and lactating mother and infants including BPNI members, infant and young child feeding counselling specialists, paediatricians, obstetricians, nursing staff and programme managers from state government, nutritionists, programme managers and UNICEF health and nutrition functionaries.


To Participate Please   register HERE

Here’s another –

Webinar logo


June 24th Webinar ‘Protecting Breastfeeding in the Time of COVID-19: Implementation of the Code in Asia’ to be held on June 24 at 12:30 PM Delhi/2:00 PM Bangkok/3:00 PM Manila time.

Please join and feel free to share this information with your contacts in government, development and humanitarian partners, and academia in your countries.  To participate, register HERE to ensure your place.
  1. Gender Responsive Budgeting and Progressing Breastfeeding Policy in 2020 and Beyond – Introductory Webinar (6 April)
  2. Breastfeeding policy in 2020 and beyond – Emergency and pandemic preparedness and response planning in Australia (20 April)
  3. Progressing Australia’s policies and plans for mothers and babies in disasters and pandemics: experiences from high- and middle-income countries (4 May)
  4. Protecting women’s reproductive rights in policy and resourcing decisions – the need for ‘data and dollars’  (18 May)

The next webinar we envisage to focus on the human rights, health and breastfeeding rights of vulnerable populations including mothers separated from their infants and young children, such as due to incarceration or child protection systems, maternity care practices including C-sections, or hospital practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, women separated from their infants and deprived of the health protections of breastfeeding due to lack of suitable breastfeeding friendly employment or childcare.

IBFAN at the 71st World Health Assembly (WHA)

WHO May Host Virtual World Health Assembly May 18 – COVID-19 To Be Main Agenda Item

For the first time ever, the World Health Assembly appears set to meet in a one-day virtual session on May 18, which would be devoted largely to debate the global COVID-19 pandemic, sources told Health Policy Watch on Tuesday.  European Union member states are hopeful that a draft WHA resolution to create a voluntary patent pool of new COVID-19 health technologies could be approved in the rapid-fire session – and they are holding daily worldwide consultations with WHO member states online, with the hopes of sealing a deal on the potentially game-changing resolution in time for the WHA meeting.

WHO Executive Board Meeting, February 3-8th


Baby Milk Action AGM 2019  Saturday 8th June 2019 2-5pm

German-speaking Lutheran Church in East Anglia, 4 Shaftesbury Road,
Cambridge,  CB2 8BW (aprox 15 minute walk from Cambridge Station).

Tigers screenings in the UK:

  • 10th March, 11am, The Palace Cinema, Longridge, Preston. Tickets.
  • 13th,14th, 19th March, Theatr Clwyd, Mold TICKETS
  • 15th March for 7 days, Watermans Cinema, Brentford TICKETS
  • 18th March 6pm, Phoenix Cinema, ObanTICKETS
  • 20th March, 8pm, Picturehouse, UCKFIELD + Q&A with Fiona Duby and Patti Rundall TICKETS
  • 21st March, 8pm White River Cinema, St Austell TICKETS
  • 23rd March 10am-12noon,  Broadway Cinema, Broad Street, Nottingham,  Q&A with Dr Diamond Emmanuel, Syed Aamir Raza, Patti Rundall  TICKETS
  • 23rd March, 2.15 and 6pm and 25th March 6pm, 26th March 8.20 pm, Light House Cinema, The Chubb Buildings, Fryer Street, Wolverhampton. TICKETS
  • 24th and 27th March, Mareel Cinema, Shetland  TICKETS 
  • 25th March, Frontline Club, London, followed by Q&A with Syed Aamir Raza, Andy Paterson, Patti Rundall and Cat VilliersTICKETS
  • 25th March, Arts Cinema, Aberystwyth (part of the WOW Festival) TICKETS
  • 26th March, The Birks Cinema, Aberfeldy  TICKETS
  • 27th March, Picturehouse, Cambridge  followed by Panel Discussion with Syed Aamir Raza, Andy Paterson and Patti Rundall. TICKETS
  • 28th March (Matinee), MAC Cinema, Birmingham  TICKETS
  • 3rd & 10th April, Plough Arts Cinema, Torrington TICKETS
  • 8th April, Dublin, Lighthouse  to register interest forTICKETS
  • 13th April, Home, Manchester Saturday, 6.20pm TICKETS
  • 19th & 24th April, Arc, Stockton TICKETS
  • 23rd April, The Depot, Lewes Q&A TICKETS
  • 29th April, Kinoculture, Oswestry TICKETS
  • 8th May, Gulbenkian, Canterbury  Q&A TICKETS
  • 9th May, Reading Film Theatre, Reading TICKETS
  • 30th May, Filmhouse, Northampton Q&A
  • 2nd June,  The Gaiety, Ayr,
  • 4th June, 7pm, Adam Smith Theatre, Kirkcaldy, Fife TICKETS
  • 9th June 7pm Penicuik Cinema at Penicuik Town Hall
  • 12th June, Robert Burns Centre Film Theatre, Dumfries
  • 19th June, Broadway Cinema, Letchworth  TICKETS
  • 20th June, Riverfront, Newport TICKETS
  • 9th July, Savoy cinema,  Corby TICKETS
  • 15th July Quad Cinema, Derby
  • 20th July, Palace Longridge, Preston
  • 4th August, Sunday, 13.00. The Prince Charles Cinema,  London Leicester Square,   TICKETS

Tigers showing in 2018

* • 16 November 2018, 19:30: Effraspace, London.
* • 17 November 2018 : Effraspace, London.
* • 18 November 2018: Effraspace, London.
* • 22 November 2018: Omniplex, Craigavon
* • 29 November 2018: Brunswick Moviebowl, Derry.
* • 5 December 2018: Lexi Cinema, Kensal Rise, London.
* • 8 December 2018: Rex Cinema, Wareham.
* • 10 December 2018 Picture House Central, London.
* • 10 December 2018, 11:00 and 18:00: Belfast.
* • 16 January 2019 Vue Cinema, Portsmouth.


  • January 22-27:  142nd WHO Executive Board Meeting, Geneva  CLICK HERE for our interventions.
  • April 20th: Global and Political Context in Midwifery  third year module, BSc Midwifery students, Kings College, London
  • April 27 -28:  Cuenca, Ecuador, Zero Hunger – III World Summit of Regions on Food Security and Sovereignty CLICK HERE for speakers  CLICK HERE  for Programme. Our Policy Director will be speaking on “Conflicts of interest and the health protection of infants and young children”
  • May 12th Baby Milk Action members annual general meeting, Cambridge. Members elect our Board of Directors from the membership and the 2016 Julie Crawford award will be presented  Join today.
  • May 15th APPG  Infant feeding and Inequalities
  • May 15th BFLG meeting
  • May 21-26th, 71st World Health Assembly, Geneva.  CLICK HERE for papers
  • June 1st. Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, Luxembourg
  • July 2-6th Codex Alimentarius Commission, Rome
  • July 10th APPG  Infant feeding and Inequalities


13 May 2017: Baby Milk Action members annual general meeting, Cambridge. Members elect our Board of Directors from the membership. Join today. Papers for the AGM are available here.

30 October – 5 November 2017International Nestlé-Free Week. A time for people who boycott Nestlé over the way it pushes baby milk to do more to promote the boycott – and for those who don’t boycott to give it a go. Campaign ideas and resources.

For dates of forthcoming demonstrations in our say NO to formula companies sponsoring health workerscampaign see the following pages: