Petition: 40K people call for immediate halt to an unethical formula study in Uganda and Guinea-Bissau

.   UPDATE ON THIS RESEARCH This study has now been published. Rather than take on board the many serious criticisms made regarding  the protocol paper, the authors have sadly doubled down, ending the abstract with “more research” is…


Thanks to Marsha Walker for sending this good news from the USA regarding action on. the marketing of follow-on/toddler milks. Citizen-Petition-argues-toddler-milks-threaten-children-s-health-and-pose-economic-harm-to-families In a Citizen’s Petition,  children’s health advocates are ramping up pressure on FDA to curb the rapidly growing sales…

Petition on baby food contamination

People can support this call by signing an email action in French or German.  Laboratory Tests: Suspected Carcinogenic Mineral Oil Residues in Baby Milk Foodwatch  News24.10.2019 Mineral oil in foods Tests have found baby milk products contaminated with harmful…

Royal College of Pediatrics will no longer accept funding from formula companies

Click here and here for previous blogs. Click here for Quartz article Royal college stops taking funding from formula milk firms BMJ 2019; 364 doi: (Published 14 February 2019) Cite this as: BMJ 2019;364:l743 RCPCH statement on relationship…

New articles on conflicts of interest and other things

Broadening its donor base and non-state actors – Does WHO really have a choice when it comes to financing?  Priti Patnaik. Weekly IHP news: ___________________________________________________________ Article on WHO by Alison Katz.  Le Courrier  20.1.2019 Health for All HforAll40yearsSept2018…

As Nestle boasts of infant formula sales growth, Botswana police file charges over aggressive marketing, while Tesco puts formula with “excessive protein” on clearance sale in breach of UK law

Baby Milk Action press release 18 February 2016 Nestle today launched its latest full-year results, reporting 4.2% organic growth, stating: “Infant formula including growing-up milks, delivered good growth”. This growth comes from systematic violations of baby milk marketing standards adopted…

European Parliament votes for big reductions in sugar in baby foods and prohibitions on labelling at too early an age.

CLICK HERE for the new DELEGATED ACTS Click Here for BMJ article. bmj.i553.full PRESS RELEASE European Parliament votes for big reductions in sugar in baby foods and prohibitions on labelling at too early  an age.  20th January 2016 European Parliament, Strasbourg    …

WHO Global Forum in Moscow. Tackling food-related diseases: voluntary measures or regulation – carrot or stick?

27th April, 2011 WHO Global Forum in Moscow. Tackling food-related diseases: voluntary measures or regulation – carrot or stick? Press Release PDF The World Health Organization’s global forum in Moscow on 27th April,  Addressing the challenge of noncommunicable diseases, sparked concern…