Baby food companies use claims to target mothers

Nutrients 2016, 8(3), 137; doi:10.3390/nu8030137 Prevalence of Nutrition and Health-Related Claims on Pre-Packaged Foods: A Five-Country Study in Europe Sophie Hieke 1,* ,  Nera Kuljanic 1,  Igor Pravst 2,3,  Krista Miklavec 2,  Asha Kaur 4,  Kerry A. Brown 5,Bernadette M. Egan 5,  Katja Pfeifer 6,  Azucena Gracia 7 and   Mike Rayner 4 Abstract: HTML…

European Parliament votes for big reductions in sugar in baby foods and prohibitions on labelling at too early an age.

CLICK HERE for the new DELEGATED ACTS Click Here for BMJ article. bmj.i553.full PRESS RELEASE European Parliament votes for big reductions in sugar in baby foods and prohibitions on labelling at too early  an age.  20th January 2016 European Parliament, Strasbourg    …

Has Nestle Gone Too Far?

For comments on this article by Yasmine Motarjemi see her Facebook Page and here – another article. Has Nestle Gone Too Far? Forbes Business   AUG 21, 2015   Clark Wolf , Protests against Nestle, the food giant, over…

WHO, ILO, UNICEF and WABA materials for World Breastfeeding Week

    ILO’s statement in support of WBW containing the WHO materials and posters:–en/index.htm   WABA’s social media toolkit:   UNICEF photo essay on breastfeeding and work:   The first in a series of blogs on UNICEF Connect:   Paper…